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Midwest Wellness Health Center

We are here to support you…

A letter from Dr. Ronald Masukawa

We want to thank you for allowing us to be an integral part of your healthcare team.  As Chiropractic Physicians and business owners, we know that You are the most important aspect of our clinics.  We are also well-aware that most or all of you are concerned with the growing and ever-changing coronavirus (COVID-19) situation.

You may be wondering if it is safe to come in for your appointment and get treatment during these uncertain times?

Be assured that nothing is more important than the health and safety of our patients and staff.  Just like you we have families we care about and want to keep safe.  When something like the coronavirus hit the news, it can make us worry about everyday decisions.

The person best equipped to take care of you is you, but we’ve got your back (pun intended).  We continue to maintain a clean and sanitary office.  We CONTINUE to use antiseptic wipes and disinfectant spray on every surface in every room (this includes tables, chairs, shelves, door handles, pens, and anything else that is touched) between each and every patient visit.  Even before the Coronavirus, we made it a point to wash and/or sanitize our hands all the time. 

In our commitment to making our offices safe for you to visit, we ask anyone coming in for an appointment or consultation to PLEASE stay home if they are not feeling well.

One of the most important things we can do is continue with our normal lives, doing the things we enjoy and need to stay healthy, while taking reasonable precautions (as outlined by the CDC and other governmental agencies).  Living our lives keeps us healthy and happy and teaches our kids good behaviors.

Now that we are re-emerging from our homes, we will encounter a lot more germs (yuck!), but we survived then and we will now.

In General (these are good suggestions, pandemic or not)

Wash, wash, wash your hands.  Did you know soap and water are more effective than hand sanitizer (and apparently much easier to find right now)?  To really get rid of any germs, wash for at least 20 seconds – which just happens to be how long it takes to hum “Row-Row-Row Your Boat” three times.

Be Sneeze and Cough courteous.  Coughing or sneezing into the inner crook of your arm catches the droplets that would otherwise end up in the air or on the surfaces around you.  The COVID-19 virus is transmitted through droplets, not through breathing, so this is important.

Don’t touch your face! The easiest way to get sick (with any kind of virus or bacteria) is to introduce germs from your hands to mucus membranes – like your eyes, nose and mouth.
Save the mask.  The benefit of a mask is that it controls the outbound expression of germs when someone coughs or sneezes.  If you’re healthy, a mask won’t be very effective in preventing the spread of germs, but it may reduce the amount of incoming exposure.  If you’re sick and need to be out in the world, a mask may help protect those around you.

Netflix and chill.  If you’re not feeling well (whether it’s coronavirus or an old-fashioned cold, which are back along with what your students bring home) please stay home, cuddle with your dog (or cat) and catch up on your favorite show.

Taking Care of Yourself

Be on your best behavior.  Keep yourself in good shape by getting plenty of sleep, being physically active, drinking lots of water and eating nutritious foods.  A stressed body is a weak body, so manage your stress through exercise, meditation or conversation with a trusted friend.

Self-care matters.  Caring for yourself is the best thing you can do for your overall health.  Ask your natural healthcare physician for additional supplementation and nutritional recommendations to boost your immune system.


Yours in Health and Wellness,

Dr. Ronald Masukawa



For additional trusted resources about the coronavirus, we recommend these websites: